Clean & Affordable Drinking Water in the Dominican Republic

Clean & Affordable Drinking Water in the Dominican Republic

In a groundbreaking partnership, Fly Fishing Collaborative and TEARS are working together to bring positive change to communities in the Dominican Republic. This transformative project focuses on providing clean and safe drinking water, an essential right often elusive in these regions.

Clean water is a fundamental human right, yet numerous Dominican communities face serious challenges in accessing this vital resource. Contaminated water sources threaten the health of individuals, particularly children who are more vulnerable to waterborne diseases. TEARS recognized this pressing need and took action. They implemented a water purification system, effectively becoming a lifeline for a community of 30,000 people. This system not only guarantees access to safe and affordable drinking water but also operates as a self-sustaining initiative. With a capacity of 100,000 gallons per month, the water purification system at TEARS stands as a beacon of hope. It meets the daily needs of the community while also allowing for future expansion. The plant employs full-time and part-time staff, generating income through the sale of purified water, thus covering all expenses, equipment, and employee salaries.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this project is that TEARS sells purified water at a fraction of the cost charged by other water companies in the region - a mere 40 cents per 5-gallon jug. This affordability factor has a profound impact, as it removes financial barriers and ensures that even the most vulnerable can access clean drinking water. The project also empowers community members to redirect their limited resources towards other critical needs like education, healthcare, and food.

Fly Fishing Collaborative is actively engaged in this project, providing vital support and expertise. Our collaborative efforts extend beyond consultations to hands-on activities, including plumbing updates, renovations, and the introduction of sustainable farming methods. These combined efforts aim to make the water purification system more efficient and sustainable, ensuring a brighter future for the Dominican Republic's communities. We are immensely grateful for the support of our donors and supporters, as this partnership with TEARS would not be possible without your involvement. Together, we are making a lasting difference in the lives of thousands in the Dominican Republic.

Alyson Wells

FFC Aquaponic Farm Director