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FFC’s Sustainable Partnership Program

Join the passionate community of monthly donors creating sustainable solutions to poverty & human trafficking.

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Interested in our Corporate Sustainable Partnership Program?


We believe in providing vulnerable women & children who would otherwise be pulled into the injustice of human trafficking and poverty with sustainable solutions to a better livelihood. Will you join us?


 Highlight of those being served through FFC’s Sustainable Partnership Program

FFC was able to build an Aquaponic Farm for one of ZOE International’s off-grid safe homes where they’re restoring the lives of child that have been sexually-trafficked.

Les Ginoza, VP of ZOE International said this, “Several years ago, Fly Fishing Collaborative came to Thailand to build us a Fish Farm. As an organization that rescues children who are being trafficked or are in danger of being trafficked, it takes a lot of resources to help these children recover. FFC came in at a time that was so critical for us. We really didn’t have the technical knowledge to do this project, but through the generous support and the expertise of the FFC staff, it became a reality. Today, our Fish Farm provides not only a valuable source of protein to our children, but we are looking to incorporate this project into our vocational school program and teach children how to run and develop their own fish farms in the future!”


Our Monthly Sustainable Partners are fueled by the passion to use their resources to help those who need it most, staying closely connected to the work of FFC and people they’re supporting.

 Partnership Perks

Exclusive Partners Tee

Ticket to our Annual Auction & Banquet

Ongoing, Partner-only updates on progress & future work

As a registered 501(c)(3). All giving is tax-deductible.

Plus, Level Specific Perks

$50/month: FFC Hat

$100/month: FFC Hat & Accessories Bag

$500/month: FFC Hat & Accessories Bag & Custom Embroidered Patagonia Jacket


Questions about FFC’s Sustainable Partnership Program? We’re here to help. Send our team an email

To give your donations by check, please mail them to “Fly Fishing Collaborative: PO Box 23211 Tigard, OR 97281”