Fly Fishing Collaborative builds Aquaponic Farms in partnership with like-minded organizations that provide women and children the protection and healing they need from the injustice of human trafficking and poverty.

Sadly, poverty and the appalling corruption of human trafficking go hand in hand – therefore, providing a sustainable livelihood of food and income for at-risk communities is essential.

"The aquaponic farm program offered by Fly Fishing Collaborative encompasses comprehensive operational management support throughout the farm development and construction process. Following the successful completion of the farm build, FFC remains committed to providing financial assistance for operational expenses for a period of 12 months and ongoing management support, ensuring the sustained and efficient operations of the farm. Our primary objective is to equip the farm management team with extensive training and abundant resources, enabling them to achieve self-sufficiency and the success  of their farm after the 12-month support period."


A guide to the the Aquaponic Farms built by Fly Fishing Collaborative; made possible by your support:


Optimally we’d post the GPS locations for each Aquaponics Farm for you to see exact locations. Unfortunately, many of the organizations we’re building for care for highly protected women & children and posting such information has the possibility of putting them at risk from their former traffickers.