Continuing to move forward: Another great Thailand update!


With boots still on the ground in northern Thailand, we are impassioned more now than ever as we witness, with our own eyes, the flagrant exploitation of women and children. The safe home, in which FFC is currently building an Aquaponics Farm, is caring for and rehabilitating over a hundred kids that have all been rescued from an unthinkable past. FFC couldn’t be more impressed with ZOE International and the work they are doing with the Thai government to liberate these children from brothels and prostitution rings around the city. FFC is incredibly honored to support their work. By providing a reliable food source for their beloved kids they will have a wide variety of vegetables and fish protein to consume and the safe home itself will be one step closer to being self-sufficient.  What a privilege to make a lasting difference in the lives of these children. Thank you for making it possible through your support.

The Aquaponics Farm project is half way to completion and going well. The foundation is complete, fish tanks and structure support-posts are in place, and construction of the greenhouse structure and filtration grow-beds continues to progress.

As we continue over the next few weeks, FFC will be looking at solar and backup power options. This requires some alterations to the running system, but decreases operating costs for the safe home; meaning more resources available to help kids. Thailand has ongoing power outages, especially during the rainy seasons, and the teams are working hard to ensure that the best avenues are pursued to protect the Aquaponics Farm investment.

Thank you for all of your collaborative efforts that make this project a reality. There wouldn’t be a team in Thailand right now if not for all the amazing support that has poured in from countless collaborators. 

Bucky Buchstaber
Founder and Executive Director of Fly Fishing Collaborative