Today, we launch the Advocacy Sponsorship Program

Dear friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. While in-person connections and fun social gatherings aren’t an option right now, I want all of you to know that I’m thinking of you often. I’m so grateful for each and every person in the FFC community and the powerful force of good that we have become.

I was sad to report in our last newsletter that our next few farm projects are delayed until it’s safe to travel again, but we can all take comfort in knowing that the safe homes, orphanages, and communities that we have already partnered with are still benefiting from a sustainable food source through aquaponics farming. Like all of us, they are impacted by this global pandemic, and in times like these it’s especially vital for them to have a source of sustainable livelihood.

As we’re waiting for the travel gates to reopen, we’re focusing more intently on making a much-needed local impact. We have come alongside some great local organizations to join in the fight against domestic trafficking, specifically by contributing to resources for survivor intervention and advocacy. The need is huge in Portland and beyond.

According to recent stats provided by our friends at Safety Compass, a Portland-based advocacy group, 384 survivors received crisis intervention between October 2018 and October 2019. Of these survivors, 171 have been child victims. (These numbers are reflected from Clackamas, Marian, and Washington County.)

Exploitation and abuse can intensify during these times of economic hardship. Safety Compass has already seen an increase in domestic violence and abuse between traffickers and the people they exploit. With a lack of income from legal employment, there is a lack of access to the most basic resources like food and baby formula. Advocates are working 24/7 to help relocate survivors in creative ways never attempted before, but they are completely overwhelmed.

Where might you come in? Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, partner guides, and all the good-hearted people that support FFC, we’re launching our new Advocacy Sponsorship Program. Every $2,000 that comes in for this program can provide a trauma-informed advocate for a trafficking survivor for an entire year. This advocacy provides survivors with a specialist who can offer crisis response, safety planning, law enforcement interview accompaniment, resource referrals, court accompaniment, case management, and mental health referrals.​

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To give you an idea of the difference that victim advocacy can make, I’ve included a couple of real life narratives from local cases. Names and some details have been changed to protect the victims, but these situations are real. You can read them here.

We are currently sponsoring three cases, but our goal is to sponsor 30 by the end of the year. Who’s in?

Thank you all for your continued support in providing sustainable solutions to poverty and human trafficking. We couldn’t do it without you.

Bucky Buchstaber, Executive Director 

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