Gales Point, Belize


Location: Gales Point, Belize

Date: October 2021 - January 2022

Project type: Hybrid System

Partner: Gales Point Village Council

Size and Capacity:

  • 900ft2: Greenhouse footprint

  • 4,000 gallons: Aquaculture production

  • 4,000 gallons: Floating raft beds

  • 2,000: Plants in system

  • 7,000ft2: Row crop production


The village of Gales Point, Belize was established in the early 1800’s by first-generation African slaves fleeing from their colonial “slave masters” to live in a self-sufficient community free of colonial influence. Rich in African culture, Gales Point maintains many cherished traditions like storytelling, culinary arts, and a unique ceremonial drum rhythm called “Sambai.” 

Fishing and farming have always been the main source of livelihood for the villagers, but over the past several decades this has become an unsustainable way of life. With very few jobs available in Gales Point, villagers have been forced to leave their families and travel to the nearest towns and cities to find work. The village has seen a rapid decline in overall health and a significant rise in diabetes, theft, vandalism, and the exploitation and abuse of women and children. The population has declined from 500 to less than 300 in the past two decades, while those continuing to reside in Gales Point are in great need of new ways to make a living.

Phase One of our project in the village launched in May 2021 and included a partial renovation of the village community center to serve as permanent housing for the farm manager. The community center holds great potential as a tourist destination, and investment in the community center could generate income and awareness for the village. 

In October 2021 we completed Phase Two, the construction of the aquaponic system at the Gales Point Community Center. At the heart of this build is a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) which includes 4,000 gallons in fish tanks and a 330-gallon biofilter and sump tank. The tanks culture tilapia bred by the Belize Ministry of Agriculture Aquaculture Division. 

The nutrient-dense water from the aquaculture system is pumped into a 900ft2 poly greenhouse where plants are grown in floating raft beds. The grow beds hold up to 2,000 plants at a time. 

The nutrient-rich byproduct produced in the aquaculture system is recycled to fertigate a roughly 7,000ft2 soil farm intended to support the nutritional needs of the entire community. The Gales Point Community Center Farm is fully owned by the community of Gales Point and will remain under the collective supervision of the Gales Point Village Council.