East Africa, Belize, & Demand

Hello FFC community, 

We have a few inspiring things to share with you!

Fish farming is reducing sexual exploitation in East Africa.

As you know, we’re fascinated by the way that sustainable farming can create protection and empowerment for women and communities around the world. A friend recently shared an article with us about how small-scale fish farming has been growing in popularity in East Africa as a means for women to take control of their livelihood and avoid sexual exploitation. These are stories we love to celebrate. You can read the article here.

The fly tying community unites to support the Belize farm project.

In August FFC Ambassador and fly tying aficionado Josh Mills called the fly tying community to action through a social media initiative called #fliesforfarms, in which they were petitioned to auction their flies to raise awareness and funds for our multiphase farm project in Belize. 

The community responded powerfully. Over 100 fly tyers, artists and gear junkies rose to the occasion by selling personally tied flies, fishing trips, and accessories through Instagram and Facebook. In just over two weeks, they raised $16,989 for Gales Point Belize.

We want to offer a huge thanks to Josh Mills and everyone who participated in this effort. It’s beautiful to see the impact we can make to benefit others when we leverage our shared passion and a dash of creativity.

Demand for new farms continues.

Demand for new farms continues to find us as we constantly fine-tune our designs to offer the most productive, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly farms possible. Our projects serve diverse communities in great need, including orphanages that care for abandoned kids, safe homes for survivors of heinous trafficking crimes, and schools that offer refuge, meal programs, and confidence through education.

 Every project matters, and every person matters. Together through your generous support, you are making a lasting difference and giving precious humans the life-changing gift of aquaponics farming, which empowers their communities with vital tools. We can’t thank you enough.

Mobilizing the fly fishing community to create sustainable solutions to poverty and human trafficking.

Thank you, 

The FFC Team

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