Local Initiative Update: Summer 2022


Supporters & friends of Fly Fishing Collaborative,

In 2020 FFC partnered with an incredible Portland-based organization, Safety Compass, to provide counseling and support to local sex-trafficking survivors. We were honored to serve 12 survivors through our Advocacy Sponsorship Program in 2020! Practically speaking, that means 12 women are in a very different place than the year prior; warm and safe as they walk their roads of recovery. This is why we do the work we do.

This year our impact grew as we committed to sponsoring 20 additional survivors: real women in real situations that demand our attention and help. We relentlessly work to support vulnerable people both locally and internationally because, sadly, sex trafficking and abuse do not have borders.

We wouldn't be here without you, and our gratitude goes to you and your willingness to contribute to this incredible work. And as always, we're committed to ongoing updates about how your tax-deductible donations are being used to sustain FFC's initiatives.

Bucky Buchstaber (and Team)
Executive Director & Co-Founder

Local survivors that your donations have helped:

Kirsten: Kirsten is a youth referred to Safety Compass through the juvenile department while in a youth correctional facility. While serving time at the facility, she completed her GED, got connected to a mental health therapist, and worked to find employment. She is so proud of earning a "clean money" paycheck. Her goals once she is released are to maintain her new job, find an apartment to live independently, and get a kitten to keep her company.

Elise: Elise was initially referred to Safety Compass while sitting in jail, looking at a life sentence for trafficking-related charges. As a trafficking victim when the events occurred, she was exonerated due to advocacy on her behalf. She recently gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She regained access to all 4 of her children and has a stable, safe, happy, and healthy life now separate from the sex industry/trafficking. When asked about her goals, she said she hopes to work for Safety Compass. Incredible success story!

Sarah: Sarah is an adult referred to Safety Compass after disclosing trafficking during a sexual assault exam at a hospital. Safety Compass advocates connected her with an organization that provided her emergency shelter while working on housing her in an apartment in a county away from her trafficker. Advocates also provided her with clothes, hygiene items, and household basics for her new apartment.

Jillian: Jillian was referred to Safety Compass through the community court/diversion program in Clackamas County. During the community court process, she decided to file a restraining order and press charges against her trafficker. Safety Compass advocates accompanied her during the grand jury, and her testimony led to her trafficker's indictment. Advocates also provided her with a suitcase full of new clothes, shoes, and toiletries, because her trafficker had taken all of her personal belongings. She now has a new apartment and job and is looking into coursework at a local community college.

Note: The above stories do not contain personally-identifying information. Names have been changed, and details have been edited to protect the survivor's identity, allowing us to share these stories of success publicly.

Organization-wide statistics from April 1, 2021-March 30, 2022:

Participants served: 245
Supportive contacts with participants: 6,933

Organization-wide totals from April 1, 2018-Present:

Participants served: 1012
Supportive contacts with participants: 25,058

Note: Participant numbers are distinct individuals. Safety Compass maintains long-term case management and support and does not count participants more than once (contrary to practice by various social service providers).

FFC’s Sustainable Partnership Program

Join the passionate community of monthly donors creating sustainable solutions to poverty & human trafficking. Learn more about FFC’s Sustainable Partnership Program (monthly giving) and its benefits below.